This course includes
Language - English
Category - Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha
Course Duration - 10 months
Video Hours - 25
Total Quiz - 125
Course Level - Basic
Course Lecture - 25
Course Description
It’s believed that during olden days Astrology was a flourishing branch of studies. In history there are many recorded incidents of accurate prediction of future events.
Medical Astrology is subject which discusses one’s likely diseases based on birth charts and planetary positions. In the subject some real life case studies have been included to re-emphasize the topics covered. The course content is selection from Ayurvedic and Astrological Shastras like Brihat Parasar Horashastram Jataka Alankar Phal Deepika Nakshtra Chikitsa Jyotisham Charak Samhita and Bhav Prakash.
Course is prepared by Prof. P. V. B. Subrahmanyam (Samskrit Promotion Foundation)
By studying this subject interested students will be able to correlate patient’s sickness with Astrological conditions and also prescribe parallel alternate treatment. Interested students can also pursue the subject on their own. -
Course Instructions
Course Instructions
1. Total viewing time 25 hours of video ( 5 hours each in 5 units)
2. Expert interaction (1 hour / Unit)
3. Guided learning through reference material (2 hours /Unit)
4. Assessment ( 1 hour / Unit) in the form of MCQ
Student feedback
Wynton McCurdy
16 courses, 10 reviewsa year agoWow, I’ve learnt so much and it has already changed what and how I do things. I can not wait to start the next course.
Wynton McCurdy
16 courses, 10 reviewsa year agoSkilify is the best platform to learn new technologies and courses. I have learned a lot many things from this platform.